Welcome to the fourth Power of Veto competition. Tonight's competition is called "Logical Thinking".
Houseguests will be given an image that contains a puzzle. You will need to connect squares of the same colour by drawing paths between them. Paths cannot cross and all squares need to have a path (exactly one). It is important to note that you need to fill all the squares and to make sure you are connecting the right colour. You will need Paint or something like it and use the paint brush tool. The houseguest to complete the puzzle in the fastest time, wins the Power of Veto!
Everyone will be competing bar Arlie and Libra for winning the BOTB competition.
You have 24 hours to contact one of the staff. Do not discuss times or share the link!
I'll be on for another hour or so then going to bed. I'm gonna try and wake up 30 minutes before the deadline so like around 3:45 PM EST if people still need someone to host.