awright so this round was fucking crazy. i can only really describe it in like 3 words.
"liz... iz... crazy..."
dis shit is what i like to call, liz lies gate, or liez-gate
altho i guess she didn't entirely lie, she was just a little sly bitch.
basically liz was in a bunch of foursomes and other alliances that she didn't tell anyone about, her and shelli shaded me to several people, and then tried to convince me that she's with the "targettes" and that i should sware by her, and that she's loyal to slash now.
like cmon liz, you or shelli TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT SLASH, that shits DONE. that's not gonna happen anymore. i gotta find a new system JUST CAUSE OF YOU (or shelli, tbh i think it's shelli). i can deal with having outside alliances... but four is a bit too much, and throwing us under the bus to boot just to get us nominated. they've played the middlewomen for too long. i knew something was up when liz wouldn't turn her back on the libra vote, that was the writing on the wall.
list of liz's alliances: slash whack street (liz/cass/becky/kathy) BB17 alliance (liz/becky/steve/shelli) some alliance with liz/shelli/kelsey and one other person who i forgot.
plus anything less than four people she had, including our alliance with libra and "the targettes". she's gone crazy.
i'm not sure who she's loyal to... so i gotta cut her off. shelli too, i dunno if she's shading me to distance herself or what, but either way, it's hurting my game, and i haven't done the same thing to shelli at. all.
this all made me look real good though. the loyal guy who didn't turn on his alliance, everyone else turned on him. makes me look to be someone that people should allign with. i'm hoping this gives the the reputation i really need in the second half of the game - someone people can trust. liz and shelli doing what they've done has made me look awfully good in comparison, and i have a feeling people wont gun for me because my word actually holds a ton of merit.
that, mixed with my target status, should hopefully carry me into the endgame baby. one step at a time though, gotta say goodbye to liz. adios amiga, i like you as a person, but you've been a shitty ally.