2. Name one of the housecallers. [Refer to the Members list if you need help]
3. Name one of the competitions. [HOH, POV, or BOTB competition]
One Of A Kind
4. Name an AIM username from Check Ins thread.
5. Name one of the lines from the News fader. [This is located at the top of the forum]
I wanna get in the zone!
6. Choose one of the proboards smilies. [You can see these by starting a new post] (the smilies before the camera)
7. Choose one of the added smilies. [You can see these by starting a new post] (the smilies after the camera)
8. Name one of the series' winners. [Frank, Dominic, Estelle, GinaMarie, Nicole, Ika, Nick, Zach, Porsche]
9. Name one of the boards. [General, Ads, Games, Living Room, HOH, POV, BOTB, Nominations, Veto, Eviction]
Living Room
10. Name one of the categories. [General, The House, Game On!, Ceremonies, The Fallen, Diary Room]
The Fallen
11. Name a thread that's been created in the Living Room and General board.
If we are doing either/or: Info/Rules If we have to do one from each: Info/Rules & Steve's Public Bootlist
12. Name a season of the series. [1, 2, 3, 4, AS1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, AS2, 12, 13, 14]
13. Name a color that's been represented by a season in the series. [Yellow, Dark Magenta, Navy Blue, Red, Grey, Green, Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, Gold, Blue, Red, Brown]
14. Simply roll the dice. [*roll range=1-6]
TB: How many views does the Week 1 thread in Housecalls have? Closest to the answer wins the TB! 5011-6