Probably one of the most influential people i've ever met, so I compiled a list of his most daring, provocative, life inspiring quotes that shake your soul to it's very core.
"Nm Hru" (An abbrevation of the term Nothing Much, How are you? It's his subtle way of breaking down your walls and while letting you know that in fact, nothing is going on with him, he's considerate. He wants to know how YOU are)
"eating starbursts lol" (Used when I asked him what he was up to. i imagine he was genuinely just sitting at a blank computer screen, snacking on starbursts and calling his local library to see if there was a picture book about paint drying)
"Like I don't understand why o get nonmed for not talking game. Talking game is a two way street" (Which is true, but it seems he put up a Do Not Enter side on his side of the street)