I'm trying so much to get Liz to veto me off the block.
I think I've made a good enough case, now it's up to her to decide. My case includes how I'm a target and basically a shield for her, will keep her safe (Which is mostly true), she'll be in good graces with the few people (Howard, Arlie, Steve, Kathy) that actually like me, and would put her in the good graces of basically both sides because then Shelli can try and backdoor someone.
I think I got through to her and there's a slight change ja boy might be vetoed. Even though everyone says I'm safe, I won't stop trying to get myself vetoed until the ceremony is over; even then if I'm still nominated I go into campaign mode. If people really want Cass out like they say, I should be safe, in theory. I don't trust half the house though, hence why me getting off the block is SO important.