1. Who does the majority think would look better in a bikini? A: Kathy or B: Libra
2. Who's life story does the majority think is most likely to be made into a movie? A: Howard or B: Sam
3. Who would the majority of the house trust more as their fashion consultant? A: Naeha or B: Cassandra
4. Which blonde does the majority think is most likely to get lost on her way home from work? A: Kelsey or B: Liz
5. Who does the majority think would look better in drag? A: Arlie or B: Steve
6. Which houseguest does the majority think is most likely to warm the pool with something other than their charm? A: James or B: Joshuah
7. Who would the majority rather receive mouth to mouth resuscitation from? A: Nick or B: Ramsey
8. Who does the majority think is most likely to be catfished? A: Shelli or B: Becky
TB: At the end of this competition, what do you think the total amount of points across all 16 players will be? The houseguest closest to the answer wins the TB!
2. Name one of the housecallers. [Refer to the Members list if you need help] Jackie 3. Name one of the competitions. [HOH, POV, or BOTB competition] Wordsearch
4. Name an AIM username from Check Ins thread. cassandra.shahinfar
5. Name one of the lines from the News fader. [This is located at the top of the forum] GL!
6. Choose one of the proboards smilies. [You can see these by starting a new post] (the smilies before the camera)
7. Choose one of the added smilies. [You can see these by starting a new post] (the smilies after the camera)
8. Name one of the series' winners. [Frank, Dominic, Estelle, GinaMarie, Nicole, Ika, Nick, Zach, Porsche] GinaMarie
9. Name one of the boards. [General, Ads, Games, Living Room, HOH, POV, BOTB, Nominations, Veto, Eviction] General
10. Name one of the categories. [General, The House, Game On!, Ceremonies, The Fallen, Diary Room] General
11. Name a thread that's been created in the Living Room and General board. Introductions Info/Rules
12. Name a season of the series. [1, 2, 3, 4, AS1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, AS2, 12, 13, 14] 9
13. Name a color that's been represented by a season in the series. [Yellow, Dark Magenta, Navy Blue, Red, Grey, Green, Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, Gold, Blue, Red, Brown] Purple
14. Simply roll the dice. [*roll range=1-6] (take the * out) yh8bAZ4u1-6
TB: How many views does the Week 1 thread in Housecalls have? Closest to the answer wins the TB! 340
1. I kinda threw the HOH? IDK once i start a competition i just get so much adrenaline i want to try to win. Nick
2. i feel like i set myself up well to play the middle and that's not how this game is panning out. Becky
3. You're looking at the shadiest bitch in the house, y'all! Naeha
4. Again, as I said, I've been known to rub people the wrong way. I tend to sneak in quick jabs. Then I'm shocked I said it . . . oops, no filter. Ramsey
5. This wasn't meant as "game over" I give up, it was more of a... I feel defeated before the game even starts. Joshuah
6. I'm curious to see who James decides to nominate, because I don't feel that there is really any scapegoats in the game, so every nomination is going to ruffle some feathers. Liz
7. I just wanted to give you all a life update since my life is pretty important. I know you all miss me. I was practically the star for the first 5 rounds. Libra
8. This cast has a lot of OMG this happened! OMG people. It drives me insane… Becky
9. Fuck that twat Sam
10. Another observation I've made is that the boys all frickin suck. Naeha
11. But all these different alliances will TOTALLY come to bite me if I ever a) win HoH or b) if people decide to start comparing notes. Liz
12. Regardless of what happens, I think blood is in the air and this cast is acting like a bunch of sharks. Three weeks of endless small talk will do that to you. Ramsey
13. I'm acting like I'm drinking (name)'s kool aid hardcore, despite me seriously doubting her narrative. Libra
14. Goal for this week: find a new alliance lmao bc the one I'm in right now is so ? Nick
15. I'm not ready to test these new relationships with the people I've built, by having them save me in an eviction. Joshuah
16. God damn that girls boring, but she sure knows how to put someone on the spot. Sam
1. Whose gameplay did you respect the most? Kelsey 2. What was the funniest moment in the house? Listing reasons why Steve is a bitch 3. Which two houseguests would make a good showmance? Steve and Cassandra (he sooooo wanted this badly) 4. What was the most shocking moment in the house? Kathy quitting before Veto 5. What was the fatal error you made in the house? Trusting wrong the people 6. What was the worst move of the game? Evicting Arlie 7. Who needed a reality check? James 8. Who was the most annoying houseguest? Shelli 9. Which houseguest deserved their eviction? Liz